Financial decisions don’t simply revolve around what's in your wallet. Life is much more complicated than a paycheck and your financial plan should reflect that.
At MATAURO, we’re not about overly complex jargon and buzzwords. We're about hard work, diligence, and using clear communication to bring your financial goals to the forefront. Other firms calculate their value on what you can provide for them; we calculate our value based on what we can provide for you. It's that simple.
Finding balance in life is about fulfilling your most important needs without falling victim to dangerous extremes. Finding balance in a financial plan, can be viewed much the same way.
That said, when tasked with planning for their personal financial lives many people don't know where to begin. Our planning process seeks to meet you where you are, no matter how much or how little planning you've done. Using a combination of fact-based inquiry and financial planning software, we seek to help you understand what you have, where you have it, and what it means within the context of your overall plan.
Whether you need to segment/organize your plan, dive deeply into your discretionary/non-discretionary cash-flows, seek tax-efficiencies, establish investment themes, or just revisit and update an existing plan, we're here to assist every step of the way.
When all is said and done, we hope to help you form a plan that you feel confident about in even the most extreme scenarios. Unlike other firms, we don't forecast what we don't know; we educate you on what we do know, so that you're empowered to make educated decisions on the matters that mean the most to you.
Continue reading to get an understanding of the types of preliminary questions we'll seek to answer as we begin to dig deeply into your existing plan. These types of questions allow us to grasp a deeper understanding of your situation and the areas of your plan that need more attention given your targeted objectives.
Am I spending too much/saving too little given my lifestyle and retirement expectations for the future?
How much am I systematically saving toward short, medium, and long-term goals (i.e., emergency fund, real estate, college planning, retirement etc.)?
Is my present yearly discretionary spending in balance with long-term retirement goals for the future?
Am I presently over/under exposed to market risk based on my tolerance for volatility?
Are my current long-term planning assumptions balanced to align with my risk tolerance for risk and market outlook?
Am I sufficiently positioned if markets crash or rally? If so, how would it effect the rest of my plan?
Can I be more efficient with my ongoing savings from a tax perspective?
Am I aware of the vehicles available to me and am I using them to the best of my ability?
What percentage of my plan is in tax-advantaged assets versus taxable assets, and how does that effect my plan?
Given a set of assumptions, and based on my current spending/savings metrics, am I on pace to meet my most important financial goals?
Do I want to leave a legacy behind? If so, how should I think about doing so?
Have I set a target date for retirement? Will I have the assets to maintain my lifestyle?